Downtown Pensacola | 850-320-8468

Glass Wrap – Window Tinting in Pensacola, FL
Window Film and Tint Care
Window Film and Tint Care in Pensacola

Window Film and Tint Care

Window Film and Tint Care

Film Dry-out Time:

The mounting solution used during the installation of your Solar Gard window film may require a dry-out time. Cold or non-sunny weather conditions can lengthen the dry-out time, while warm weather and direct sun light exposure will shorten the dryout time. Small water beads and a slightly cloudy look may appear during the dryout time. If slow drying does occur, do not become alarmed. The film will dry-out.

Do not clean the film for 30 days after installation.

Window Film Care and Maintenance:

To maximize the life of the window film, please follow these instructions for proper care and maintenance.

Cleaning Instructions:

  • Always use fresh clean soft materials to wash and dry your window film surfaces.
  • Most glass cleaners will work well, although a good cleaning solution for window film is 1/2 ounce of liquid dish soap added to 1 quart of fresh water.
  • A soft cloth or a clean synthetic sponge is recommended for washing the window film followed by another clean soft cloth or soft rubber squeegee for drying.
  • To avoid scratching the film, do not use bristle brushes, abrasive scrubbing sponges, or any cleaning materials that may have been contaminated with dirt particles, as is commonly the case when washing interior and exterior windows with the same cleaning materials.
  • Some brands of paper towels are coarse enough to put fine scratches in the film, even films with scratch resistant, protective hard coat finish. While these scratches may be too thin to be seen at the beginning, they can damage the polished look of the film over time.


Please feel free to contact us for additional information.

Glass Wrap Window Tinting
Downtown Pensacola, FL


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Window Film and Tint Care