Glass Wrap – Window Tinting in Pensacola, FL
Window Tinting and Film
Window Film Medical Waiver

Window Film Medical Exemption

In Florida, a window film medical exemption is a document that allows individuals with certain medical conditions to have window tinting on their vehicles that does not comply with the state’s standard regulations.

Florida law allows individuals with medical conditions that require protection from the sun’s UV rays to apply for a medical exemption certificate to have darker window tinting on their vehicles. This exemption is granted through the issuance of a medical exemption by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV).

To obtain a window film medical exemption certificate in Florida, individuals must provide documentation from a licensed physician or optometrist certifying that they have a medical condition that requires special UV protection. The exemption allows these individuals to legally tint their vehicle windows darker than what is typically allowed by Florida law.

It’s important to note that the medical exemption is specific to the individual named on the document and may have certain restrictions or conditions outlined by the DHSMV. Additionally, the exemption certificate must be carried in the vehicle at all times to provide proof of the exemption to law enforcement if requested.

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